What is a strategic plan and why does Weldon need one?
Meeting Date: 2nd Monday of month at 1:00 p.m.
In June 1998, a strategic plan for Weldon was adopted by the Town Board of Commissioners to improve the cosmetic appearance of the community as well as address specific goals and the ways to achieve these goals .in order to improve the quality of life for Weldon’s citizens.
Improved entrances into town, updated existing code enforcements, tree plantings in downtown area and improved storefront appearances by offering incentives to owners are some of the goals that have been accomplished.
The meeting schedule is the second Monday every other month at 1p.m. at Weldon Town Hall. The public is invited to attend. Please check Weldon’s calendar for dates.
A strategic plan is not a comprehensive plan. A strategic plan addresses a few specific goals and the ways to achieve those goals. Strategic planning is a shared vision from the community for the future that is derived from the citizens. A strategic plan involves focus meeting where citizens are asked to voice concerns that they have about the community. The total time frame for a strategic plan is about 3 to 5 years, but can vary slightly.